Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Coin Sex Lab Relate and Review

In the Coin Sex Lab, we predicted the probability that certain genes will appear  in human traits.  The alleles were different in each prediction of traits. autosome is not a sex related chromosome.We studied gene segregation. My expected results was 50:50 in the ratio to males to females. My results were not 50:50 they were 2:3. The probability of having a bipolar child is 50:50. The results were off. My results were high that the child would have bipolar which is 70% not 50. The probability is 25% to have a child that has colorblindness which is an  X-linked inheritance.I result were a little high with results of 7:3. My results with the dihybrid traits my results very high with traits brown hair, blue eyes which is homozygous or monohybrid. My results in brown eyes were heterozygous and homozygous but my results were small. My results were 7. The limit is only as good as using a perfect solution. Perfect results sometimes it happens and sometimes they don't. I received the combinations of certain traits from my mother and father and resulted in me. My sister has a recombination of traits from the same parents that resulted in her.

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