Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Protein Synthesis Lab

1. The enzyme attaches to a piece of DNA called a gene.  The enzyme makes the copy of the DNA called mRNA. The mRNA goes out of the nucleus. The mRNA bonds with the ribosome. The ribosome reads the mRNA sequence and its codons. The codon correspond to a certain amino acid. Amino Acids are added together by the ribosome.  When the mRNA is finished the amino acids that are added together make a protein.

2.  The mutations that have the greatest effect are deletion and insertions. The mutation that has the least effect is a substitution.  The deletion and insertion  mutations have a bigger effect when it is near the beginning of the sequence because all the codons after the mutation will be affected.

3. In step 5 I deleted the first base pair because I believe it would cause the greatest change. There would be no start codon so the protein won't start where it usually does. Also, all of the codons afterwards would change  and make different amino acids. Since the mutation occurred in the beginning of the sequence,   the protein is changed more than if the mutation was at the end. If the mutation was at the end then not as many codons would be affected. 

4. Ectrodactyly is a disorder where humans have a cleft where the middle finger or the middle toe should be. As the result, the hands or feet look like claws. This caused by deletions in chromosome 7.

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