Thursday, October 1, 2015

20 questions about nature of the universe

What's so weird about prime numbers?

I am interested in this question because I like math, and I am very interested in numbers.

The current hypothesis for this question is:
If you find one prime number, there is no way to tell where the next one is without checking all the numbers as you go. One possible way to get a handle on how primes are spaced is to calculate, for any number, how many primes there are smaller than it.
My 20 Questions are:

1.Why is the sky blue?
2.How high can planes go up to after takeoff?
3.What speeds can planes go during takeoff?
4.Why do whales have blowholes?
5.Why do dogs have better hearing than humans?
6.What is the speed of light?
7. What causes hurricane?
8. How do planes survive in natural disaster?
9. How do people survive in hurricane?
10.What do you if the lightning strikes the ground?
11.How do bees pollinate flowers?
12.Why do people get allergic reaction?
13.Why don’t oil and water mix?
14.What causes corn to pop on heating?
15. Why does avocado turn brown when exposed to air?
16. What causes the rainbow?
17. What causes rusting of iron?
18. Why do bears hibernate in the winter?
19. How do penguins hunt for food?

20. How do plants get nutrients from the soil?

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